In Hinduism, Ekadashi fast is considered very auspicious and fruitful. This date, which comes twice every month, gives devotees an opportunity to receive God’s grace and make life pure. One of these special dates is Shattila Ekadashi. Which comes in the Krishna Paksha of Magh month. On this day, by fasting, donation and devotion to God, man gets rid of his sins and earns virtue and attains the supreme abode of God.
Shattila Ekadashi 2025 Date and Shubh Muhurta
According to the Panchang, Ekadashi Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Magh month will start on 24 January 2025 at 07:25 pm and will end on 25 January 2025 at 08:31 pm. Udayatithi has importance in Sanatan tradition, so Shattila Ekadashi will be celebrated on 25 January.
Importance of Shattila Ekadashi
Shattila Ekadashi is described in Padma Purana and Skanda Purana. “Shattila” means “six types of sesame”. There is special significance of using sesame in various forms on this day. Sesame is used in bathing, tarpan, food, donation, mixing in holy water and havan. This fast is observed to please Lord Vishnu and attain salvation.
It is said in Padma Purana-
यस्य स्मृत्या च नामभिः पापं नश्यति तत्क्षणात्।
(Yasya Smritya Cha Nambhih Paapam Nashyati Tatkshanat.)
सर्वान सुखानवाप्नोति विष्णुरेकादशी व्रतः॥
(Sarvaan Sukhanavapnoti Vishnurekadashi Vratah॥)
That is, the person who observes Ekadashi fast and remembers Lord Vishnu, all his sins are destroyed and he gets happiness and prosperity along with salvation.
The Glory of Donation
In the Sanatan tradition, donation has been considered a means of salvation. There is mention of many donors in mythological texts, who donated everything they had for charity. Among these, the name of Maharishi Dadhichi comes first. He even donated his bones for public welfare and destruction of the wicked.
According to Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran, when the gods along with Lord Indra; on the advice of Lord Vishnu, reached Maharishi Dadhichi to ask for bones for the killing of Vritrasur. Then he listened to the entire matter of the gods very carefully. Maharishi Dadhichi, after listening to the plea of the gods, said-
योSध्रुवेणात्मना नाथा न धर्मं न यश: पुमान्।
YoSdhruvenaatmana naatha na dharam na yash: pumaan.
ईहेत भूतदयया स शोच्य: स्थावरैरपि॥
Ehet bhutdayaya sa sochya: sthavarayapi॥
Meaning; O Gods! The man who does not perform Dharma and Fame by showing mercy to the suffering creatures in this mortal body, is even worse than the inanimate objects, trees and plants.
He further said-
हो दैन्यमहो कष्टं पारक्यै: क्षणभंगुरै:।
Ho dainyamaho kashtam parakyai: kshanabhaangurai:.
यन्नोपकुर्यादस्वार्थैर्मत्र्य: स्वज्ञातिविग्रहै:॥
Yannopakuryaadasvarthaimratryah svajnaativigrahai:॥
Meaning, wealth, people and body are temporary in this world. They will be of no use. What miserliness is this! How sad it is that this mortal man does not help others with these.
Saying this, Dadhichi immediately gave up his body with the power of yoga. After that, his bones were collected and made into a thunderbolt. With the help of which Vritrasura was killed.
Why should we help the poor and helpless people?
The fast of Shattila Ekadashi gives us the message of helping others. Helping the poor and helpless people is the biggest act of human religion.
The virtue of charity: Helping the poor and helpless gives satisfaction to the soul and the grace of God is attained.
Accumulation of virtue: The donation given on this day provides virtue for many births.
Donate these things on Shattila Ekadashi
Donating food on Shattila Ekadashi is considered the best. Become a part of virtue by donating on this day and helping the Narayan Seva Sansthan in the project of providing food to the poor and miserable people.
On this auspicious day, worship Lord Vishnu, keep a fast and help the needy. This festival paves the way not only for material success but also for spiritual progress.
यथा दीपो घृतैर्धृत:।
Yatha Deepo Ghritairdhrutah.
तथा दानं पवित्रं च सफलं च भवेत्।
Tatha Daanam Pavitraam Cha Safalam Cha Bhavet.
That is, just as a lamp spreads light, similarly donation brings purity and success in life.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: When is Shattila Ekadashi 2025?
A: In the year 2025, Shattila Ekadashi will be celebrated on 25 January.
Q: Shattila Ekadashi is dedicated to which God?
A: Shattila Ekadashi is dedicated to Lord Vishnu.
Q: What things should be donated on Shattila Ekadashi?
A: On Shattila Ekadashi, grains, sesame seeds, clothes and food should be donated to the needy.