06 March 2025

Amalaki Ekadashi 2025: Lord Vishnu’s blessings reside in the Amla tree

Ekadashi has special significance in Sanatan culture. This date, which comes twice every month, is not only a symbol of fasting and fasting, but also a path to self-purification, devotion and salvation. Ekadashi of Falgun Shukla Paksha is called Amalaki Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is specially dedicated to Lord Vishnu and the Amla tree.

It is said that on this day Lord Vishnu himself resides in the Amla tree. Therefore, worshiping the Amla tree on this day, singing bhajans and kirtans under it and taking prasad is considered very auspicious.

When is Amalaki Ekadashi 2025?

This time Amalaki Ekadashi is on 10 March 2025. According to the Panchang, the auspicious time of Ekadashi Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Falgun month will start on March 9, 2025 at 7:45 am and will end the next day on March 10, 2025 at 7:44 am. Udayatithi is recognized in Hinduism, so Amalaki Ekadashi will be celebrated on March 10.

The fast of Amalaki Ekadashi can be observed on March 11 between 6:35 am and 8:13 am. Dwadashi Tithi will end on March 11 at 8:13 am.

Mythological significance of Amalaki Ekadashi

A detailed description of Amalaki Ekadashi is found in Padma Purana and Brahma Vaivart Purana. According to a legend, in ancient times there was a king named Vidhisrava, who was pious and an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu.

Everyone in his kingdom used to observe the fast of Amalaki Ekadashi. Once, when the king himself was observing this fast, a hunter unknowingly observed the fast. In the next birth, the same hunter was born as King Viduratha and became a great, benevolent and pious ruler.

It is clear from this story that the fast of Amalaki Ekadashi not only destroys sins, but also provides virtue and takes a person on the path of salvation.

Why is the Amla tree worshipped?

Amla is not only a medicinal tree, but is also very important from a religious and spiritual point of view. It is believed that it is the abode of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and all other gods and goddesses. Meditating by sitting under its shade increases spiritual energy, and consuming its fruit is beneficial like nectar for both body and mind.

Amla is also considered as Amrit fruit in Ayurveda. It provides energy, sharpness and strength to the body. This is the reason why worshipping Lord Vishnu, singing bhajans and donating under the Amla tree on Amalaki Ekadashi leads to good fortune, prosperity and salvation.

The glory of donation

In Sanatan Dharma, donation is described as a great virtue and the path to salvation. Donation is not just the renunciation of wealth and property, but helping a needy selflessly. It is said in the scriptures that the person who donates with devotion and selflessness, gets Akshaya Punya. Donating on an auspicious occasion like Amalaki Ekadashi destroys the sins of many births and brings God’s grace.

Mentioning donation in the Srimad Bhagwat Gita, it is said-

Daatvyamiti yaddanam diyate’anupkarine.

Deshe kale cha paatra cha taddanam sattvikam smritam॥

That is, the donation which is given without any selfishness, at the right time and in the right place to the deserving, is called Satvik donation.

Spiritual message

Amalaki Ekadashi is not just a festival of fasting and giving donations, but it is a powerful medium to connect with natural balance, purification of body and soul and God. This day tells us that nature itself is the form of God and we should respect it.

When we worship a tree, it is not just a religious act, but it teaches us that we should live in balance with nature. Worshiping the Amla tree on Amalaki Ekadashi gives us the message of connecting with nature and preserving it.

Amalaki Ekadashi is such a holy festival, which gives us an opportunity to get the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Fasting on this day, worshiping the Amla tree and giving donations leads to happiness, prosperity and salvation in life.


Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay!