26 October 2022

Which are the best NGOs in India for poor children’s education?

Education is one of the major sectors that plays a huge role in the nation’s progress and development. A country lacking in educating its people is likely to face high unemployment and poverty rates in future. 

In India, the Right to education has provided every child of the country with free and quality education. In order to further encourage enrolment of underprivileged children, the government also came up with great schemes like mid day meals and several scholarships. 

However, despite that, 32 million children (upto the age of 13 years) have never attended school as stated by the report of National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in 2014. The report also mentioned that the majority of these children came from underprivileged sections.

The joint report of UNICEF and International labour organisation (ILO) in 2019 stated that India has 30.3 percent of extremely poor children living in the world. Coming from weaker sections of the society, these children face a lot of challenges regarding opportunities, health and education. However, by helping them in having an access to quality education, we can make sure that they do not face similar challenges for their future years.

There are many ways in which an individual can help the underprivileged children of the country. Tutoring, donating to child education NGO, volunteering and so on are some examples of contribution that one can make. 

Why donate for child education to an NGO? 

There are millions of good NGOs in India that support the cause of child education. The purpose of these NGOs is to work towards empowering the future of the country which are children. These NGOs aim to reach every needy child in the country and provide him/her with an opportunity to at least have a basic access to education. 

However, in order for them to do so, they require funds from the public. By donating even a small amount to such charitable organisations, you can still create a big impact in improving a child’s future. 

Other than monetary, some organisations also accept in kind donations of books, stationeries and other such items. Hence, donating them can also be considered as a great help. 

The best NGOs for child education 

There are several NGOs working for education of underprivileged children in our country. Hence, using the internet, it is not hard to locate an NGO which accepts online or offline donations from the public. There are many websites of top NGOs available on the internet today that help underprivileged children.

An example of this is Narayan Seva Sansthan. The sansthan is one of the top NGOs in India that has been consistently working towards uplifting divangs and other underprivileged sections of the society since 1985. Currently, the sansthan has over 480 branches in India.

The sansthan is also recognised globally with their branches in countries like Thailand, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, UK, Kenya, South Africa, and so on. 

The sansthan has several offerings for helping the underprivileged people. For the education and schooling of the underprivileged children, the Sansthan has Narayan Children Academy.

The Academy was established in 2015 by Prashant Agarwal, the president of Narayan Seva Sansthan. Since then, the academy has been successfully providing quality education and other facilities like lunch, stationeries, uniforms, conveyance and health care for free of cost to many underprivileged children. 

Apart from that, the sansthan also has an orphanage called Bhagwan Mahaveer Nirashrit Balgrah where hundreds of orphans are provided with education and other basic necessities of life. 

The sansthan even has a Residential school for children with visual and hearing impairment and an MR home for mentally challenged children.

To know more about the sansthan and their offerings, you can click here!