29 March 2025

Shani Amavasya- Shubh Muhurta and Status of Solar Eclipse

Amavasya has special significance in Sanatan Dharma. The Amavasya date falling every month is not only important from a spiritual point of view, but it is also considered an excellent opportunity for peace of ancestors, charity and self-purification. 

One such special Amavasya is Chaitra Amavasya, which is falling on Saturday this time, so it is being called Shanichari or Shani Amavasya. On this day, by bathing in the Ganges, Shraddha Karma, and worship of Lord Shani, not only the seekers get virtue, but also positive energy is transmitted in life.


Importance of Shani Amavasya

On the day of Shani Amavasya, a special yoga of introspection and self-purification is formed. This day is considered to be the best for looking deeply into the soul, correcting one’s own flaws and making a new beginning.

According to mythological beliefs, on this day Lord Shani is especially happy and gives a person an opportunity to get rid of his sins. Those who observe fast on this day and worship methodically, get happiness, prosperity and peace.

According to astrology, Amavasya is the day of the disappearance of the moon. Due to this, the effect of mental stress, negative energy and evil forces can increase. But by fasting and doing sadhana on Chaitra Amavasya, the mind becomes strong and negativity is removed.

Shani Dev is worshiped on Shanichari Amavasya. Worshiping Shani Dev on Shanichari Amavasya gives relief from Shani’s Sade-Sati and Shani Dhaiyya. And the blessings of Lord Shani are obtained.


Shani Amavasya 2025 Shubh Muhurat

According to the Panchang, Amavasya Tithi will start from 7:55 pm on March 28. Which will conclude the next day on March 29 at 4:27 pm. According to Udayatithi, Shani Amavasya will be celebrated on March 29, 2025.


Solar Eclipse on Amavasya

The first solar eclipse of the year 2025 is going to take place on March 29, 2025. It will be a partial solar eclipse, which will start at 2:20 pm Indian time and end at 6:13 pm. However, this eclipse will not be visible in India. It will be visible in North America, Europe, North Africa and some other regions. Since it will not be visible in India, the Sutak period will also not be valid here.


Importance of Donation

Donation on Shani Amavasya is an important part of Sanatan Dharma, which not only paves the way for spiritual advancement, but also spreads harmony and compassion in the society. In Hinduism, donation is considered the highest form of charity and is said to be the most effective means of earning virtue. 

It is not just donation of property or food, but donation of knowledge, service, time is also equally important.


The word ‘Daan’ in Sanskrit means to sacrifice, i.e. to give something to a needy person selflessly. It is said in Hindu scriptures-


Danam Hi Param Dharmam Yajno Danam Tapascha Tat.
(दानं हि परमं धर्मं यज्ञो दानं तपश्च तत्।)

That is, charity is the greatest religion, it is as virtuous as yagya and penance.


While mentioning the importance of charity in Srimad Bhagavad Geeta it is said –

Daatvyamiti Yaddanam Diyateinupkarine.
(दातव्यमिति यद्दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे।)
deshe kale ch patre ch taddanam saattvikam smrutam॥

(देशे काले च पात्रे च तद्दानं सात्त्विकं स्मृतम्॥)

That is, charity given at the right time, place and to a deserving person, without any selfishness or expectation, is called Satvik charity.


Donate these things on Shanichari Amavasya

On the auspicious occasion of Shanichari Amavasya, cooperate in the service project of providing food to the innocent children who come to Narayan Seva Sansthan for treatment and get the blessings of God.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q: When is Chaitra (Shani) Amavasya 2025?

A: In the year 2025, Chaitra Amavasya will be celebrated on 29th March.


Q: To which deity is Shanichari Amavasya dedicated?

A: Shanichari Amavasya is dedicated to Shani Dev.


Q: What things should be donated to Shani Amavasya?

A: On this day, food, clothes and grains should be donated to the needy.


Q: Will the Sutak of the solar eclipse on Chaitra (Shani) Amavasya be applicable in India?

A: The solar eclipse will not be visible in India, hence Sutak will also not be applicable in India.