Akash Kumre | Success Stories | Free Narayan Prosthesis
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Akash Found His Feet and Freedom Again

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Success Story : Akash Kumar


Akash Kumar, the eldest of four brothers, lived a carefree life in Nainpur, Madhya Pradesh, spending most of his childhood playing around the railway tracks near his home. However, everything changed and his life turned into a nightmare one fateful evening in May 2022, leaving him dependent on others’ support. When the family remembers the evening of May 11, they shudder.

One day, at a wedding in the neighborhood, everyone was dancing and singing, including Akash. But when he grew tired, he sat on the railroad tracks outside his home to rest. Unknowingly, he fell asleep, and a fast-moving train passed over him, taking both his legs. When someone saw Akash lying unconscious in blood, chaos ensued. The parents lost consciousness. The people in the neighborhood immediately rushed him to the hospital.

He awoke after remaining unconscious for four days. He and his family members were devastated to learn he had lost both his legs. Akash’s father farms and his mother works in a girls’ store to support the family of six. Stuck at home and bedridden for nearly a year, Akash fell prey to negative emotions.

One day, while watching TV, he learned about Narayan Seva Sansthan, an organization that provides artificial limbs for free to the differently-abled. With newfound hope, he visited the organization on March 28, 2023, where the prosthetic team measured and fitted him with special artificial legs.

Seeing himself standing on artificial limbs brought a glow of happiness to Akash’s face. He is also receiving free training in mobile repair at the organization, becoming self-reliant and able to rebuild his life. The experience has given Akash a newfound sense of purpose and determination to pursue his dreams.