Arjun Singh | Success Stories | Free Polio Correctional Operation
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Arjun's Ascent to Fulfilling His Dreams
with the Support of Calipers

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The twists of fate can be rather peculiar. In a family with two brothers born with congenital disabilities, life has presented its fair share of challenges. Bal Singh, residing in Hanumangarh, Rajasthan, is the father of three children. His elder son was born with a congenital disability, making him unable to use both his legs. However, their second child, a daughter, was born perfectly healthy. The family rejoiced in her arrival, but destiny had other plans when their third child, another son named Arjun, was born with a disability similar to his elder brothers.

Despite seeking medical attention at several hospitals in the vicinity, they couldn’t find a solution to their children’s condition. Bal Singh, who supports his family of eight through his work as a construction laborer, faced financial constraints that made it impossible to get his sons treated at a major hospital. The family felt despondent, as they couldn’t find a ray of hope anywhere. However, their fortunes changed when a kind-hearted villager informed Bal Singh about Narayan Seva Sansthan’s free polio correction surgeries and other services dedicated to helping differently-abled individuals.

On February 25, 2023, Bal Singh brought his son Arjun to the Udaipur Sansthan. After a thorough examination, Arjun underwent a successful operation on his left leg on March 16. Within a month, after two fittings, his left leg straightened. Additionally, on May 4, a successful operation was performed on his right leg. Bal Singh joyfully reports that, after the plaster was removed, Arjun can now stand comfortably with the support of calipers and take a few steps. The family is relieved and filled with hope. They are now completely confident that Arjun will not only walk but also achieve his life’s goals.