Rajesh Vinod Chauhan | Success Stories | Free Narayan Artificial Limb
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Rajesh was able to walk after successful operation!

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Success Story : Rajesh Vinod Chauhan


Vinod Chauhan, a farmer residing in Maharashtra, experienced the joy of his son Rajesh's birth 14 years ago. However, Rajesh faced a life marred by disability. From birth, both his legs were affected, curved, and weakened. The burden of debt compounded the family's challenges as Vinod struggled to make ends meet through farming.

With Rajesh growing older, he was admitted to school until the fourth grade, but sudden health issues led to a halt in his education. Despite visiting various hospitals in Maharashtra, hope for his recovery seemed elusive.

Then, one day, a neighbor learned about Narayan Seva Sansthan through a television program. A medical camp was being conducted in Mahur village. The family grasped this opportunity and, on March 7, 2022, brought Rajesh to the Sansthan in Udaipur. Doctors examined him and recommended surgery, and on March 10, they operated on his left leg. A month later, the leg had straightened significantly.

Their hope was renewed, and they returned on May 12, 2022, for the operation on the right leg, which took place on May 15. After several follow-up visits, Rajesh was finally discharged. Following the fitting of calipers and shoes on June 20, Rajesh began to walk with both legs. This heartwarming transformation brought tears of joy to his family's eyes. Vinod expresses deep gratitude to Narayan Seva Sansthan and all the doctors and staff, calling them the beacon of hope for a struggling family.