Sunny Kumar | Success Stories | Free Narayana Artificial Limbs | Best NGO in India
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Sunny Became a Beacon of Hope for His Aging Parents…

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Sunny Kumar, a resident of Jafarpur, Bihar, had set out with the determination to
become a pillar of support for his elderly parents. He traveled to Mumbai to pursue a course in hotel
management, and everything seemed to be going well until a tragic train accident turned his life
upside down. This incident occurred nearly 8 years ago.

Sunny used to commute by the local train in Mumbai. One fateful day, during the rush to board the
train, he fell onto the tracks. The accident left both of his legs severely injured, to the extent that
they had to be amputated to save his life. For seven long years, Sunny navigated life without his legs,
becoming dependent on his parents instead of being their support.

However, things took a hopeful turn when Sunny learned about Narayan Seva Sansthan. He decided
to visit Udaipur for a comprehensive assessment and received free artificial limbs for both legs,
along with physiotherapy. With these artificial limbs, Sunny regained the ability to walk. He also
acquired free computer training at the institution, making him self-reliant.

Today, Sunny is prepared to once again become a source of support for his aging parents, emerging
as a symbol of resilience and hope in the face of adversity.