Tulsi | Success Stories | Free Narayana Artificial Limb Distribution
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A New Artificial Limb
Restored Tulsi’s Hope!

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Success Story : Tulsi


The arrival of their daughter, Tulsi, brought boundless joy to the family. Suresh, the hardworking tractor driver, and Kesar Devi, the caring homemaker, reveled in the blissful moments with their little one. Four years passed, filled with happiness, until an unforeseen event shook their world in September 2022.

One day, while playing in the courtyard, five-year-old Tulsi cried out, drawing her mother’s immediate attention. Upon reaching her, Kesar Devi saw a snake dangerously close to the child, and she too screamed in panic. The snake struck and bit Tulsi’s left hand, leading to her rushed admission to R.K. Hospital in Rajasmand. Fortunately, timely medical intervention saved her life, but fate had another challenge in store. Unexpectedly, three days later, Tulsi’s condition worsened, and she was referred to Maharana Bhupal Hospital in Udaipur. Extensive medical tests revealed that the venom had spread to her lower leg, causing a severe situation. The doctors managed to save her life, but regrettably, they couldn’t salvage her foot, and it had to be amputated below the knee.

For almost a year, Tulsi struggled, hobbling on one leg, while her parents felt helpless witnessing her plight. In the midst of this hardship, a relative suggested the option of a free prosthetic limb at Udaipur Narayan Seva Sansthan. This gesture would eventually illuminate their dark lives. Without wasting any time, they visited the Sansthan with Tulsi on May 29. The prosthetic and orthotic team precisely measured her leg and, two days later, fitted her with a special artificial foot. As soon as Tulsi stood up without support, her face lit up with joy. Seeing their daughter walk independently, her parents were overjoyed too. They proclaimed that all worries about their daughter’s future had dissipated, and the entire family would forever remain grateful to the Sansthan.